Faculty Advisement
Faculty advisors are assigned according to program of study. Students should seek faculty advisement before registration opens each semester to plan classes, discuss educational goals and prepare for graduation or transfer. Faculty advisors help students understand course placement, select classes, explore career options and plan a course of study.
To look up your faculty advisor assignment:
- Login to OneACCS
- Choose Student > Student Landing Page > Student Profile
- Locate Advisor name on this screen
If you do not have an assigned advisor or need to request a change, use the list below to contact the appropriate department:
- General Studies: Advising and Retention Center 256-549-8271
- Business, Computer Science & Legal Studies: Tina Pendley | 256-549-8250 | tpendley@noujcf.com
- Language & Humanities: Hilary Blackwood | 256-549-8278 | hblackwood@noujcf.com
- Math & Engineering: Janet Reynolds | 256-549-8322 | jreynolds@noujcf.com
- Fine Arts: Julie Anderson | 256-549-8330 | janderson@noujcf.com
- Science: Marilyn Collins | 256-549-8280 | mcollins@noujcf.com
- Pre-Health Science: Advising and Retention Center 256-549-8271
- Health Science Programs: 256-549-8478
- Social Science: Julie Anderson | 256-549-8330 | janderson@noujcf.com
- Health, PE & Recreation: Advising and Retention Center 256-549-8271
- Dual Enrollment | 256-549-8305 | dualenrollment@noujcf.com
- Transient | 256-549-8210 | admissions@noujcf.com
- Technical Programs: Meghan Prendergast | 256-549-8619 (Gadsden) | mprendergast@noujcf.com
- Ginger Tucker | 256-832-1221(Anniston) | gtucker@noujcf.com
Be sure to meet with an advisor prior to registering for a placement test:
- Placement is required prior to registration in certain courses such as Math and English.
- Placement is determined using students' evaluated high school transcript, appropriate ACT scores or ACCUPLACER Placement Test results.
- All scores must be no more than five years old.
- The ACCUPLACER may be taken and used for placement if high school transcripts/ACT scores are not sufficient or older than five years.
- ACCUPLACER is given by appointment only and may be scheduled.